Black Friday: 7 Tips for Your E-Commerce Customer Service Black Friday: 7 Tips for Your E-Commerce Customer Service 12. October 2018 Get ready forupcoming Black Friday and let your e-commerce take the most of it! The key to building good relationships with customers is ... ...
Pipedrive 2.0 for Zendesk Released Pipedrive 2.0 for Zendesk Released 5. October 2018 Our Pipedrive 2.0 integration for Zendesk is finally approved and available on Zendesk Marketplace. The new and improved version comes ... ...
Customer service in 2020 Customer service in 2020 17. September 2018 The 2020 seems so far, but it is just around the corner. Now it is the time to discover and ... ...
We're moving #1 - We grew too big! We’re moving #1 – We grew too big! 10. September 2018 About a week ago we announced that we were nominated for Start-up of The Year in the Entrepreneur of The Year competition. Now we have ... ...
Customer service trends in 2018 Customer service trends in 2018 24. August 2018 Companies are getting more and more aware of the importance of a good customer service. A good relationship with customers ... ...
Nominated for Start-up of The Year - EY Entrepreneur of The Year Nominated for Start-up of The Year – EY Entrepreneur of The Year 17. August 2018 We're very humble and proud to announce, that we are nominated for the EY Entrepreneur of The Year, in the ... ...
Event: Artificial Intelligence and the future of customer service Event: Artificial Intelligence and the future of customer service 12. March 2018 Thanks to all attendees for coming on March 1st 2018 and being a part of the event. The atmosphere at ... ...
Impact of Zendesk on the Economics 2017 Impact of Zendesk on the Economics 2017 27. November 2017 Zendesk as a platform is providing a lot of benefits by providing modern solutions for solving customer service issues. ...
How to make customer service succeed? How to make customer service succeed? 13. November 2017 Customer service itself is an important part of the company. Nowadays understanding customer needs and providing support is a key ... ...
Zendesk - interesting facts #1 Zendesk – interesting facts #1 8. November 2017 We are awesome and need to share with you some amazing facts about Zendesk! Zendesk is a customer service software ... ...
Zendesk – all you need to know #1 Zendesk – all you need to know #1 6. November 2017 Welcome to the first part of our short guide across Zendesk services. We want to share our experience and knowledge ... ...
Customer service - business facts #1 Customer service – business facts #1 6. November 2017 We want to share some information on how important it is for your business and your benefits from taking good ... ... and the Pipedrive app - the beginning of a success story and the Pipedrive app – the beginning of a success story 24. May 2017 Starting today’s Pipedrive integration for Zendesk is available in the Zendesk App Marketplace and is ready to help you serve customers and sales pipeline from the same platform. ...